Currently off display. Returning 2024.
Humans conquered the air before they conquered snow. The first plane was 1903, the first snow vehicle 1908. It wasn't until 1954 that the first snowmobile, as we know them today, was invented.
The first snowmobile
Ask 10 people what the first snowmobile was and you'll get 10 different answers. One of them is the Ford Model T equipped with the Snow Flyer option. See one of these rare first snowmobiles on display.
First Recreational Snowmobiles
In the beginning, there were many brands of snowmobile manufacturers. Today there only 3 exist. See a variety of snowmobiles from a Ghia to Suzuki.
Unique Designs
There were many different designs of snow traveling vehicles, from skis and tracks to skis and props. This snow plane is capable of over 100 MPH and carries 4 riders!
Rocket Sled
World Record Speed Setter. Built and driven by the famed "Rocketman" in 1975. It reached 150 MPH.
Not just fun, they also work!
Snowmobiles were not only fun, but also aided travel for work. Used by trappers, doctors and mail carriers for a variety of tasks in the snow.
No Bitter Weather
For some of us, the best way to enjoy a snomobile is in the warm indoors. View this collection from the comfort of being indoors with climate control.
Snow Coupe
See this very rare Snow Coupe, which had less than 200 ever made.
Rear Engine
See many snowmobiles with rear engine designs.